






















Wedding You



PASTOR: You     (Bride) and you      (Groom)

having come to me signifying your desire to be formally united in marriage, and being assured that no legal, moral, or religious barriers hinder this proper union. I command you to join your right hands and give heed to the question now asked you.

(Groom/Bride) In taking the woman/man whom you hold by the right hand to be your lawful and wedded wife/husband,I require you to promise to love and cherish her/him, to honor and sustain her/him, in sickness as in health, in poverty as in wealth, in the bad that may darken your days, in the good that may light your ways, and to be true to her/him all things until death alone shall part you.

Do you so promise?

Groom/Bride: I do.



The Ring Ceremony


PASTOR: The ring is a material symbol that has been designed to illustrate a spirtual truth.

A ring has two characteristics which make it suitable as a reminder to us of the importance of keeping Christ in our marriages.

Frist,the ring is a circle. Circle never end. Christian marriages should never end. They should last and last and last. Difficult times will come, but the commitment of Christians is to make their marriage go on forever. The ring, which is a circle, is a reminder of that never-ending commitment.

Also, rings are made out of a precious metal, usually silver or gold, which has the unusual quality of getting better and more valuable with age. Instead of wearing out and deteriorating, we pray for your love to grow and improve with age.


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